International Students

At Pinehurst School we like to have international students with us because we want to learn from our students just as they learn from us. We want all our young people to learn more about each other and as they become friends, learn more about the world in which we live. Please note that we do not offer short-term study placements, as we believe in providing a consistent and immersive educational experience that supports meaningful academic and personal development.
Our Admissions Manager can assist you with the application process, we offer a full service for obtaining accommodation, student visas and travel and health insurance at no extra charge.
Once enrolled students participate in a comprehensive orientation programme designed to orientate them with the school environment and our expectations as well as receiving ongoing pastoral care.
International students are integrated into regular classes across Year 1 to 13 and where appropriate receive extra support in particular subjects. We also provide English as a Second Language (ESOL) teaching, either individually or in small groups during class time if required.
For further information, please contact Nicole Chen our Admissions Manager at [email protected]
Code of Practice
Pinehurst has been accepted as a signatory and has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students, published by the Ministry of Education. Copies of the Code are available here.
Visa Requirements
All students are required to have a current student visa to be enrolled at Pinehurst. Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying and reporting requirements are available through the New Zealand Immigration Service and can be viewed on their website.
Eligibility for Health Services
Most international students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand. If you receive medical treatment during your visit, you may be liable for the full costs of that treatment. Full details on entitlements to publicly-funded health services are available through the Ministry of Health, and can be viewed on their website.
Accident Insurance
The Accident Compensation Corporation provides accident insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary visitors to New Zealand, but you may still be liable for all other medical and related costs. Further information can be viewed on the ACC website.
Medical and Travel Insurance
International students must have appropriate current medical and travel insurance while studying in New Zealand. The Admissions team can provide information regarding available insurance options.
To apply please submit a completed application form, the application fee and a certified photocopy of the student’s passport, two most recent, certified school reports and references from their current school. Students need to supply evidence of all prior learning in its original non-translated format.
Conditions of Acceptance
Students are accepted for enrolment following an interview, assessment of English language skills as appropriate for year level and consideration of:
- Level of written and spoken English Language
- Previous school reports
- Character references and testimonials
- Academic ability for courses chosen
- Co-curricular activities
- Available places in the applied for Year Level
- Suitable living arrangements
Student Placement
On acceptance and in consultation with the student, students are placed at an appropriate academic level. This placement is determined by the student’s academic ability, course content previously covered and their age.
Pinehurst has very competitive fees for International Students.
View the current fee structure.
For Pinehurst School's term dates please see here.
Pinehurst has an established and successful association with the Cambridge programme and a deep understanding of delivering this world class curriculum from the Primary years, through to College.
All our College students sit the Cambridge examinations exclusively as we believe these rigorous and well-structured qualifications best serve them to become successful global citizens. Cambridge qualifications are internationally recognised and highly sought after.
View the Cambridge College Academic Pathway for Pinehurst.
Pinehurst School students take Cambridge external examinations in five different year levels. For most students, it works like this:
- In Year 6, the last year of Primary School, students take Checkpoint exams in English, Mathematics and Science.
- In Year 9, students take Checkpoint exams in English, Mathematics and Science.
- In Year 11, students take IGCSE exams in English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and six or seven other subjects.
- In Year 12, students take AS Level exams in English Language or English Literature and 3 or 4 other subjects.
- In Year 13, students take A Level or AS Level exams in four or five subjects.
For the Pinehurst School examination results please see here.
At Pinehurst, we endeavour to develop the whole child and part of that development relates to co-curricular activities. We offer a number of sporting and cultural activities, together with a series of education opportunities outside the classroom. For more information see here.
Our Admissions team are available for any pastoral care issues. House Deans are also part of our pastoral care team, and you will be allocated to a House upon arrival. There are four Houses at Pinehurst: Matai, Kauri, Totara and Rimu.
School Counsellor
Pinehurst has a counsellor on site who can assist and support you with any personal issues. This service is confidential and free to all students. Some of the help counselling can provide is:
If you would like to see the School Counsellor, Mrs Debbie Stanaway, please email [email protected] or visit her office located at reception. The International Admissions Office team can also help you to make an appointment.
School Health Clinic
Our School Health Clinic is located at reception. If you don’t feel well while you are at school, you are welcome to go the Health Clinic for medical attention.
Career Counsellor
The Careers Counsellor, Mrs Lila Pulsford, can provide you with advice and information on your University pathway. You can access the Pinehurst 'Careers' site via School Box/Student Services/Careers. Mrs Pulsford can be contacted by email at [email protected] or by phone +64 (0)9 414 0960 EXT 759, or drop into the Careers Centre located in College 4.
Homestay Accommodation
A variety of homestay accommodation can be organised through the School or if living in a self-appointed homestay, details of those arrangements must be provided to Pinehurst. All homestay accommodation is monitored by the Pinehurst School Homestay Coordinator in accordance with the Code. Please note children aged 10 and under must live with a parent to be enrolled. Costs of accommodation are varied and can be obtained from the Director of International Students.
Pinehurst International Students